This page accompanies a "Weekly Zoom Social", held Sunday, June 30, 2024.
Keynote Presentation
My Iterations Keynote slides (as-is on June 30) as a [3 MB PDF].
This page accompanies a "Weekly Zoom Social", held Sunday, June 30, 2024.
My Iterations Keynote slides (as-is on June 30) as a [3 MB PDF].
Z = Z^2 + C
evaluate for all point in the complex plane. For a given point C, and starting value of 0 for Z, compute Z = Z^2 + C Keep iterating. If the complex value Z ever gets further than 1 unit from origin, the original point C is not in the set. If the value Z stays for a long time, we say it is in the set. Those are the black areas or blobs we see. If the value diverges, goes beyond 1, it will never come into the set.
Numbers that stay within 1.0 for a long time, but then leave, are 'almost' in the set, so we could color such points red. Points that stay less long during the iteration get colored orange, yellow, green, and so on, indicating they are further from being in the set.
describe power residual method
Molecular modeling system [WIKI]
JM: I recommend reading ....
where in we learned about the Mandelbrot set
A link appears with each reference, to the source.
more to be filled in July-Aug.